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goodlife_promo.jpg Photo Credit: Rick Perry

PaddyMillsHighResPhoto1.JPG Photo Credit: Rick Perry

PaddyMillsHighResPhoto2.jpg Photo Credit: Rick Perry




Review for Race to the Bottom - The Noise

"Mills is a world-class talent"

"... in the tradition of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger"

"He strikes me as the kind of folk performer people want to sing along to—and possibly even emulate"      

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Italian Review for Race to the Bottom - The Long Journey

"Con Greg Brown e David Mallett nel cuore e nella mente, Paddy Mills si pone come una delle migliori realtà in ambito cantautorale e merita tutta l’attenzione degli appassionati."

Link to Full Review


Race To the Bottom Review - The Muses Muse

"The songwriting is gold standard – full of consistent musical experiences, each one possessing a unique personality, flair, and signature groove"

"At the end of the day Paddy Mills brings the mojo, and is clearly a marquee talent"

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Another Review of Race to the Bottom - The Alternate Root

"You hear it a lot….nobody takes a stand in song, and musicians don’t care enough anymore to write protests about what we go through. Not entirely true. There are voices not being heard that have a way of being inclusive in their tales of trouble, songs that are familiar and stories you have seen play out before you have heard them. Paddy Mills is one of those singers"

Link to full review

You hear it a lot….nobody takes a stand in song, and musicians don’t care enough anymore to write protests about what we go through. Not entirely true. There are voices not being heard that have a way of being inclusive in their tales of trouble, songs that are familiar and stories you have seen play out before you have heard them. Paddy Mills is one of those singers; a folk singer providing unedited views on biased headlines. Times have changed on “Penobscot Bay”, and costs have dropped but so have wages “Since the Big Box Came to Town”. The more things change the more they stay the same and the title track uses tea steeped in Boston harbor to show that point. Paddy Mills is the historian that will not let go of the tale about workers rising up to make more than $.90 a week in the “Bay View Massacre” be forgotten. - See more at: http://thealternateroot.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2417:ffutr-070114&catid=208:what-s-trending&Itemid=268#sthash.RzycsT9k.dpuf

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